The Greater Summit Grand Finale... The Greater Match

Today’s a big day for the Greater Sum Foundation. From the time we launched our first grant application in 2017, we’ve been on a mission to provide the best possible support services to early-stage nonprofits. Listening, reflecting, appreciative inquiry, and reiterating led us to today, the launch of our Nonprofit Accelerator and The Greater Match.

At the end of last year, the Greater Sum board focused on twin goals for increasing impact. Our capacity for awarding grants limited the number of organizations we served, leaving our volunteers hungry for more opportunities to help. The nonprofits we served identified one key support they’d like to see as they transitioned out of their grant year: introductions to more funders and supporters of their missions. Our revamped program model achieves both of this goals, and today we see it come to fruition.

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In 2020, the Greater Sum quadrupled the number of nonprofits we connected with volunteers for short and long term coaching and consulting projects. We used a curriculum created by volunteer subject matter experts to help 20 nonprofits strengthen their financial strategy and become more sustainable. We converted our grant application to a pitch competition and this morning we welcomed nine nonprofits from the competition to our Nonprofit Accelerator, a six month all-access pass to the Greater Sum volunteer network plus a fundraising and network building experience we call The Greater Match.

The nonprofits in the accelerator are doing the kind of work Greater Sum was created to nurture. They’re innovating in their field, and they’re doing so with a strategy that will scale to serve more communities at a reasonable cost. Whether they’re connecting veterans with nature, increasing civic awareness, or improving maternal health outcomes, we think these organizations are a smart investment of your philanthropic dollars.

That’s why we are double matching online donations made through our Nonprofit Accelerator this month, up to $12,500. Visit the accelerator, shop around. On each organization’s page you’ll find a short video explanation of their work, their mission statement, and a deeper dive into their strategy in the form of their pitch deck. Each organization has a designated online giving form, where you can make an individual donation to the Greater Sum which we’ll double match, tripling the impact of your investment in the nonprofits you’re excited about.

If you missed the Pitch Competition Winner announcement on Facebook Live this morning, here’s a replay. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Come celebrate and fuel nonprofit innovation with us!