Grant Partner Spotlight: Lori's Hands

We're proud to have Lori's Hands as a member of TGS' 2020 Nonprofit Cohort, and happy to share with you their work to support older adults and people with chronic medical conditions.

Lori's Hands transforms students’ understanding of community health by matching them with individuals living with chronic illness in meaningful, helping relationships. Community members receive in-home support and, in turn, educate next-generation health leaders about the experience of living with chronic illness.

TGS Communications Specialist Serena Hawtin interviewed Director Maggie Ratnayake last month and was editing this spotlight video when physical distancing became crucial to protecting the health of Lori's Hands clients. The organization has continued to play a meaningful role in clients' health by creating a Sunny Day Fund to cover cost of grocery delivery and other needs, launching a PenPal program, and maintaining social connections. They're also sharing ideas for how community members can support older adults through a blog series, 7 Days of 7 Ways