Virtual Volunteers: High Impact, Low Risk

COVID-19 changed the way many of us live and work, AND volunteer. Virtual volunteering opportunities are becoming more plentiful as nonprofits adjust to pandemic-related restrictions on their operations. The benefits and drawbacks will be familiar to many who are also adjusting to working from home. There’s no commute, you can fit volunteering into your schedule, you can volunteer in locations you couldn’t get to in person. But many virtual volunteers are missing the socialization opportunities of a communal project or a welcoming volunteer workplace.

Greater Sum’s Executive Director, Anna Taylor, recently spoke with Liz Hack of the Small Shop Fundraising podcast about virtual volunteerism. This is new territory for many, but Greater Sum connects skills-based volunteers virtually with nonprofits across the country. We’ve learned a few things about successful remote volunteer activities, and are happy to share!

If you are looking for a new virtual volunteer opportunity, Greater Sum is gearing up for our Fall pitch competition and we will need volunteers to serve as pitch coaches and evaluators. Fill out a volunteer interest form if you’d like to know more!

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