The Greater Sum Is Turning Four!

Four years ago, I could never have predicted that we’d have 65 deserving nonprofits growing today in sustainability and innovation through our incubator. Three years ago, I wouldn’t have guessed we’d have awarded $375,000 to deserving nonprofits by mid-2021. Two years ago, I couldn’t have known that our volunteer ranks would continue to swell, helping so many altruistic people contribute to world-changing nonprofit movements. And one year ago, as the pandemic raged, I would never have guessed that the forced migration to virtual competition pitch and incubation would push us to unimaginable tenfold growth in our first four years.

Today, on our fourth anniversary, it’s hard to take in the incredible accomplishment The Greater Sum has realized in every facet of its organizational structure:

  • 24 deserving nonprofits awarded financial help and professional support

  • $375K disbursed

  • 60 volunteers working through our incubator and in other modes

  • 300+ applications received

  • 30 nonprofit leaders and their supportive volunteers having attended our annual Summits

We’re far enough along now to look back at real change - meaningful, impactful results that can be measured in actual lives improved. Asylum seekers have access to legal consult after they leave detention centers. Colleges and universities across the country receive resources to help them welcome and support trans students. Communities in rural West Virginia can draw on legal, engineering, and financial advice to improve their wastewater systems. 

I think it’s safe to say The Greater Sum has proven its efficacy and contributed toward a better world in ways we could never have imagined: Prison yards turned to community gardens, teenagers learning key technical skills while having fun after school, law students connecting with community activists to save animals and their environments.

One can only guess where we’ll be on our five-year anniversary one year from now, but we can probably say with confidence that we will: continue to rely on generous, enthusiastic volunteers; apply the lessons of the pandemic for greater reach and connectivity; reward promising nonprofits that can demonstrate scalability and sustainability; and continue to make the world a better place.