Free Non-Profit Incubator Program LIVE in Jacksonville, FL!

Strange things are afoot here at Greater Sum headquarters. After three years and seven virtual cohorts we are doing an in-person version of our non-profit incubator. This pilot program will take place in Greater Sum’s home town, Jacksonville, Florida.

The program consists of:

  • Self-paced curriculum focused on financial sustainability & pitching your nonprofit

  • Weekly peer discussion to reinforce what you’re learning and expand your knowledge of local resources

  • 1-on-1 coaching calls with Greater Sum volunteers

  • Pitch training, coaching, and feedback

The self-paced incubator curriculum will still be offered online, but the weekly peer chat will be in person here in JAX. I couldn’t be more excited to combine two of my favorite activities: talking shop and drinking coffee in my neighborhood.

Here’s the scoop…

Dates: August 8th through September 12th (Tuesday morning meetings)

Audience: founders of start-up non-profits in Jacksonville

Cost: ZERO. NADA. NOT A DIME. (why? Greater Sum helps founders build financially sustainable non-profits, and we know what start-up non-profit budgets look like.)

Application Deadline: July 20th

Graduates of the incubator are eligible to participate in Greater Sum’s pitch competition. You can learn about past winners HERE, and watch last year’s pitch competition on our YouTube channel.

Hosting this series in person is a new adventure for TGS, and I hope you, dear reader, will help this opportunity find its intended audience. If you know a non-profit founder in Jacksonville who would love to connect with fellow founders and subject matter expert volunteers, send them our way!

PS - if you’re thinking to yourself, “I wish this was taking place in MY town,” don’t give up hope! Our goal is for Greater Sum and partners to be able to offer incubator series in a variety of locations.